A Ladies Venue

About Us
A Ladies Venue is a social get-together for ladies of Avenue. The group has been running since at least 2011, and was started because we felt there was a need for a place for ladies to meet in an evening in an informal and social way. Especially to enable new people particularly to get to know each other in a less formal setting.
We meet in each other’s houses every month usually on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm for tea, biscuits, cakes and a chat. However in Winter sometimes we meet instead at 2.30pm so to avoid going out in the long dark cold evenings. Usually about 8 of us each time. All ladies are very welcome. 12 Avenue Ladies went out for a Christmas Dinner at The Bell Toby last year, where we enjoyed a very good meal.
If you wish to know more about us please pick up a programme from the church or speak to Joy Rooke on 01702 341085 or joy.rooke@avenuebaptist.com