COVID UPDATE - July 2022
As the restrictions concerning Covid 19 are relaxed and general life tries to return to whatever will
be the ‘new normal’, the leadership of the Church continues to monitor the ebbs and flows of the
infection rate nationally and locally.
At present the message being presented by HM Govt and Baptist Union GB is one of personal
responsibly; being aware that, sadly, the virus has not been eradicated and is still active but take
measures to suit individual needs and considerations to avoid becoming infected.
In that respect Avenue will not mandate any particular measure although all attendees to the Church
will be encouraged to respect the decisions of others i.e. should they elect to wear face
masks/coverings or to remain socially distant.
HM Govt guidance still advocates the Hands/Face/Space methodology to avoid cross infection and in
support of this hand cleansers will be available within the building for use as required.
The overall situation will continue to be reviewed and should there be any significant change the
congregation will be advised accordingly.
Terry Wheeler H&S Officer - July 2022